Maritime & Transportation Law
The interconnected relationship between maritime and transportation law often creates complexities because of the involvement of both federal and state law. Due to the subject matter, a majority of cases involve substantial
monetary damages or fines and require timely actions to prevent further damages. The extensive experiences our board-certified California attorneys in admiralty & maritime law have has resulted in the resolution of many cases successfully.
Practice Area
Cargo claims involving ocean, air, trucking, and rail transportation
Freight collections and disputes
Maritime and carrier’s lien actions
Defense against U.S. Customs penalties and TSA penalties
Vessel and cargo arrest
Marine insurance and the right of subrogation
Contractual claims concerning bills of lading, sales agreements with shipping lines, warehouse agreements, trucking depot and yard lease agreements
General transportation agreements
FMC, DOT and DMV licenses
Experience and Achievements
Successful claims for the damage of more than $1,000,000 involving shipping company, logistics company, shipper, broker, agent and etc.
Successful defense against claims for shipping fees more than $270,000
Successful claims for damage due to delay of shipping and collection of the full amount of judgment
Successful cargo claims against shipping companies and airlines
Successful defense against claims between NVOCCs and Freight Forwarders
Successful defense against claims for OBL matters
Advisory Panel by Korean Consulate General of Republic of Korea in Los Angeles
Advisory Panel by Korean American Logistics Association
Educational Seminar
Korea University - The 3rd Asian Business Lawyer Symposium
What lessons were learned from the Hanjin bankruptcy? -
Korean American Logistics Association
Limitation of Liability on Cargo Claim -
Consulate General of the Republic of Korea Los Angeles
Legal Issues of LAX/LGB Port Congestion

Maritime & Transportation Law
The extensive experiences our board-certified California attorneys in admiralty & maritime law have has resulted in the resolution of many cases successfully.